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jumpsport@jumpsport.sk | MIER: +421 910 901 619
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Specialized SL Tall Socks Black
Skladové číslo: 35100107
Objednávkový kód:
Specialized SL Tall Socks
Kľúčové slová:
14,90 s DPH
Momentálne nedostupný
Dostupnosť tovaru je nutné overiť
emailom na objednavky@jumpsport.sk.
Poštovné zdarma
Your feet deserve the best, and when it comes to socks, there's no better way to treat them than with a pair of our SL Tall Socks. They're constructed from our extremely lightweight VaporRize™ yarns in order to ensure both a soft hand against the skin and rapid moisture wicking. And while this leaves the foot feeling dry and cool, we took things a step further by incorporating a ventilating mesh channel around the toes. 

You might not think of it firsthand, but these socks also aid in performance. They feature a deep Y-heel and toe pocket to provide a secure, comfortable fit, plus a targeted textured zone under the forefoot that minimizes slip within the shoe to ensure maximum power transfer throughout your pedal stroke.

  • VaporRize™ yarns are extremely lightweight and soft against the skin, placing an emphasis on moisture transfer and minimizing friction.
  • Compression cuff adds security and comfort over the course of the entire ride.
  • PowerBand mid-foot arch supports the foot and secures the shape and fit where the foot needs it most.
  • Vented mesh toe channel helps to keep things light and airy within the shoe.
  • Targeted textured zone under forefoot reduces slip.
  • Deep Y-heel and toe pocket provides a secure fit.
  • Six-inch cuff height (size Small/ Medium)

Meno: Povinný údaj
Email: Povinný údaj

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Od: Povinný údaj

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Študentská 1, Galla Centrum
Košice 04001
Mobil: +421 910 901 619
Email: jumpsport@jumpsport.sk
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Po - Pi: 10:00 - 18:00 hod,
Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 hod
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