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jumpsport@jumpsport.sk | MIER: +421 910 901 619
Otvorené PO - PI 10:00 - 18:00 | SO: 09:00 - 13:00
Specialized Roll Bottle Cage
Skladové číslo: 50200201
Objednávkový kód:
Specialized Roll Bottle Cage
19,90 s DPH
Skladom - 2 ks
Dostupnosť tovaru je nutné overiť
emailom na objednavky@jumpsport.sk.
Poštovné zdarma
The Roll Cage is a durable, stamped aluminum water bottle cage that´s compatible with SWAT™ accessories for tool and storage integration. It also features a unique left, right, and center mounting design that allows you to easily manage bottles when space on the frame is limited.

SWAT™ technology design allows for storage and tool integration.
Three mounting positions allow easy in-and-out bottle accessibility from the left, right, or center position.
Cage can be rotated to alternate positions after installation.
Accepts EMT Cage Mount Tool.
Accepts MTB XC Box (when used on compatible frames).
Weight: 50g.

With Specialized Roll Bottle Cage, it guarantees the best bike equipment. In addition, at bikeinn you can find the best quality with best prices of the sector. Choose us as your bike store and focus only on enjoying of the comfort that the best brands give you like Specialized. Our team of bike experts share their honest reviews to help you make the best decision. All this to ensure you get the cheapest Bike parts deal every time.

Meno: Povinný údaj
Email: Povinný údaj

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Komu: Povinný údaj
Od: Povinný údaj

Sprievodný text:


Študentská 1, Galla Centrum
Košice 04001
Mobil: +421 910 901 619
Email: jumpsport@jumpsport.sk
Otváracia doba:
Po - Pi: 10:00 - 18:00 hod,
Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 hod
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Garancia kvality
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