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Specialized RBX Merino Jersey SS CSTBLU
Skladové číslo: 99000641
Objednávkový kód: 64120-391
Specialized RBX Merino Jersey SS
Kľúčové slová:
99,90 s DPH
Momentálne nedostupný
Dostupnosť tovaru je nutné overiť
emailom na objednavky@jumpsport.sk.
Poštovné zdarma
Nothing inspires the romantic sentiment of road cycling like Merino wool, but until now, it hasn't really been renowned for its performance benefits. And when we say "until now," we're really just talking about our RBX drirelease Merino Jersey.

So what are the benefits? How about a natural ability to combat odor and microbial buildup, all while managing & evaporating moisture like nobody's business? Yes, Merino does all of this without the bat of an eyelash. Our drirelease Merino, however, combines the natural hydrophilic (water-loving) wool fibers with a blend of hydrophobic (water-hating) synthetic fibers to push away and evaporate sweat at an even faster rate. On top of this, the blend enhances the already soft feel of the wool, ensuring that this will be one of the most comfortable jerseys in your closet.

Keeping with this theme of comfort, we gave the RBX a fit that teeters somewhere between race and classic, so it'll move with the body without a constrictive feel. And lastly, you'll find that it has all the features you need for daily riding, like three rear expansion pockets and a full-length front zipper.

- drirelease Merino with FreshGuard naturally cools, neutralizes odor, and wicks away moisture to keep you dry.

- Three standard pockets, and an additional zipper pocket, provide ample space to securely house all of your ride essentials and electronics.

- Full-length front zipper gives you the power to manage ventilation under hard efforts or chilly descents.

- UPF 30+ rating protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

- Regular Fit is generous, so it fits close to the body without being constricting.

Meno: Povinný údaj
Email: Povinný údaj

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Od: Povinný údaj

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Študentská 1, Galla Centrum
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Mobil: +421 910 901 619
Email: jumpsport@jumpsport.sk
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