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Zadajte Vaše meno: Zadajte Vašu e-mailovú adresu:

jumpsport@jumpsport.sk | MIER: +421 910 901 619
Otvorené PO - PI 10:00 - 18:00 | SO: 09:00 - 13:00
Gripy Fit CR, 55g
Výrobca: ESI
Skladové číslo: SC7385
Objednávkový kód: FTCRD
Gripy Fit CR, 55g
28,99 s DPH
Do 4 pracovných dní
Dostupnosť tovaru je nutné overiť
emailom na objednavky@jumpsport.sk.
Poštovné zdarma

ESI's ergonomic Fit grips are designed for a completely natural hand position on your handlebar. Our new designs balance the pressure that your hands exert onto the handlebars, increasing bar control dramatically.

Fit XC and CR grips have three distinct areas:

INNER - This area is the perfect step up for your hands to rest against for maximum bar control in turns.

MIDDLE - This area is perfect for extra torque and powering while climbing.

OUTER - This thickest area is for better hand comfort, especially while descending.

Each area of the fit grip flows flawlessly into each other creating the perfect hand placement naturally. Your hands instantly feel comfort when they grasp their unique shape, as if they were exclusively molded for your hands.

Meno: Povinný údaj
Email: Povinný údaj

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Komu: Povinný údaj
Od: Povinný údaj

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Študentská 1, Galla Centrum
Košice 04001
Mobil: +421 910 901 619
Email: jumpsport@jumpsport.sk
Otváracia doba:
Po - Pi: 10:00 - 18:00 hod,
Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 hod
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